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Synopsis of "The Return of the Garden of Eden

Synopsis of “The Return of the Garden of Eden” Sharon Andrea -The Return of the Garden of Eden·Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Here is a written synopsis of some of what has been recorded like a diary of everything that has happened through me that has been phenomenal events and occurrences that I have been recording since early January 2015 and I attest to everything that I am telling to be of absolute truth. It has been spoken to ME by the Holy Spirit that this book is the Modern Bible and WE are still in Biblical Times!

We are all getting to a place of living our truths and authenticity. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that the only difference is that it is a new way we are living. This is occurring while we are in our physical bodies unlike before when we leave our bodies completely through physical death to ascend. We are also returning back to a place of a Garden of Eden where we live freely with beautiful brighter flowers & plants, animals are roaming freely and no longer attacking one another. The flowers are rich in colors and the trees are responding with love towards us as well as the animals. We will be looking like we are 30 years old, no sleeping, eventually no eating is necessary, the list goes on and on.

On my mother’s side of my family we are dreamers and I am a very powerful dreamer where my dreams are very fluid and clear with precise information and very detailed. I am an empathic reader, healer, spiritual teacher and leader with the gift of helping others to love themselves, communicate better and effectively, and to live to their highest level of joy within themselves! I have dreams written down from the past 13 years since early 2005 up until the beginning of this year that are depicting predictions, premonitions, events of my past life, my connection to being and having a twin flame, the beginning of creation where I am a part of it greatly, the garden of Eden, the beginning of life, the Ocean, fishes, marriages, pregnancies, the changes and advancement of the human race, seasonal changes and several dreams to do with the changes of time and a new birth of mankind.

On January 1, 2015 I have been experiencing my spiritual awakening in full measure to a high, widened and deep capacity. I AM an Ascended Master and I am now operating multi-dimensionally within myself and I feel overjoyed! I am Queen Nefertiti ,the beautiful one that has returned aka the mythical story of Adam & Eve reincarnated, aka Aphrodite from the original templates of creation as gods and goddesses and I came from the Sun and the Galaxies and*

I AM the Goddess AUSET/ISIS from the beginning of time (the entire physical embodiment of the Divine feminine) and my twin flame Rondy Ivan is the physical embodiment of the Divine masculine – We are the first original template from the beginning of time as the homo sapiens sapiens Auset(Isis)Osiris/AUSUR/Adam & Eve. My full blown awakening occurred in June 2014 stemming from after meeting my twin flame of which I had no idea I was a twin flame. This has been an extremely painful and joyful experience for me. After a month and a half of interacting with him I fell into a deep depression aka Dark Knight of the Soul for over 2-3 months and this is a part of the Soul Evolution. We are twin flames from the beginning of the first incarnation as Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti and we have NOW returned as Sharon Andrea and Rondy Ivan. Amazing, Incredible and True! He was born in Guyana and I was born in the Island of Jamaica and we are incarnated from Biblical Times as Pharaoh Akhenaten aka Moses.

Since January 1, 2015, I have been on an adventurous quest, a quest within a quest, like unlocking each door, breaking each codes, breaking codes within the codes, looking for more keys and putting pieces of puzzles and finding more pieces to more puzzles within the puzzles. This is my own movie as the director, the producer, the actress, the actor, and the writer with mystery, suspense, intrigue, wonderment like Alice in Wonderland where I am the Alice and I fell down this hole and I have been looking for the real Alice, the real Sharon, the real and one and Only Nefertiti, ALL of US! I have already received true loves kiss, the glass slipper fits, so alas only God knows this is a true awakening of the higher self of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine! This is MY story, your Story and our Story! I had a lot of aha moments and OMG moments!

I was led by the Holy Spirit to uncover WHO I AM as I drove up the mountain where I live after spending time with my children at Dave & Busters on January 1, 2015. At approximately 10 pm as I was driving I heard the voice of God speak to ME clearly saying “You do know You and Him were King and Queen in a past life? I replied “really?” Who? And I heard “ Well go home and find out! So I was only less than 5 minutes away. I hurried to my desktop and I immediately googled Queens of Egypt. I knew and felt I was a Queen in Egypt and I started to feel excited and intrigued. I then asked God well which Queen because there were so many. I then heard the voice of God say “Well look to see which one describes you the most and fit your personality. I read and looked up several Queens and when I found Nefertiti and immediately as I read how she was described as “The Beautiful One has Come”, I knew that it was ME. I kept reading and researching about the both of US and everything made sense. We even look like how we looked in a past life and that was so amazing! The mere fact that so many things started to fit like pieces to a puzzle.

All of these moments have been non-stop for days, hours, seconds, weeks, and now over 3 years and still counting. And this is so real because I have been audio-recording my ascension/awakening while experiencing and witnessing it with messages and signs from the Universe at the same time. On a daily basis throughout the entire day I am led to and/or given clues to whatever message I am to convey in these recordings. These are clues and signs to validate what I sense also before I find out the information and validate it.

This book is an audiobook with music, poetry, dance, singing, humor and written words that are in chronological order in sequence to my journey and all of those I have come into contact with since January 1, 2015. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that the book is to be audio because humans respond and listen to audio with more attention along with visual at a much faster speed and greater focus. I get to the heart of the matter to do with everything with passion, humility, righteousness, humor and love. I touch on subject matters of looking within and digging deep into pain and sorrow so that each person can heal and return to a life of living freely.

The time is NOW to be free and live within our authenticity by speaking and living our truths with no more deception and living with lies. We are creative beings of which it is natural for us to BE loving and creating Love and this is where I reveal and talk about the greatest gift that God has given to us and the truth has been destroyed buried and hidden for centuries upon centuries.

My experience as a twin flame has been an amazing, adventurous, crazy-like, sad, mystical, heart-wrenching, tearful, joyful experience with Universal communication from Spirit guides, Angelic Beings, Yeshua aka Jesus & Mary Magdalene, Martin Luther King Jr, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Prince, David Bowie, Natalie Cole, Whitney Houston, Maya Angelou, James Brown, Ray Charles, John Holt, Helen Keller, Ascended Masters, Guardians of the Galaxy, alien beings, the Sun,the Moon, the Stars etc , coinciding and synchronizing with messages, signs of all types.


1. Everything to do not only with how people describe me as being an original beauty, my mannerisms, and way of living is not ordinary. I always felt out of place and operate like a different female.

2. I heard the voice of God tell me that myself and Ivan were a King and Queen as I was on my way home from spending time with my children at Dave & Busters on New Year’s Day.

3. Since December 2012 up until NOW there is an energy of increasing publications on Nefertiti and Akhenaten since the awakening from several authors. These publications and books depict the Armana period and there was also recently an expedition that took place in Amarna Egypt from March 8, 2015 – March 21, 2015. The Spirit led me to finding out that information from telling me. There is a mystery and unsolved questions surrounding that timeframe and as to what happened to Nefertiti and where did she come from? Was King Tut her son? Yes he is. And he lives right in my house now. There is also another development of a hidden doorway of which Dr. Nicholas Reeves has found something that looks like a door to a secret passageway which may be the hidden tomb of ME (the mummy) of Nefertiti. My findings are recorded in the audiobook way before this was in the news.

4. My cell phone starts typing on its own from the energy between myself and my twin flame 6 times typing - I am a beautiful person, I am a beautiful person. I took a screenshot of it and thank God my daughter video recorded it on her PS Vita. My phone has typed me several other messages including I am beautiful again several months ago and other cryptic messages, also a message typed to me with 3 roses and 2 kisses to me. Each time his higher self sent me these incredible messages. We were called the heretic Queen and King and right now I have two family members who stopped contacting me altogether but I am still very much focused on recording my book and remain on my path no matter what. My passion is to live freely on all levels and to assist with all of the changes towards a greater peace and joy for humanity. Anyone and/or everyone who is interested in remembering and how to work through their healing and coming together with fullness of joy, Here I am! I can assist tremendously. The average human being vibrate slow, low and with so much anger, hatred, indifference, lack and limitations, non-communicative and they are vibrating within the 3rd dimensional frequency by Doing instead of Being. I am living and looking younger and younger. Back on January 1, 2016 a young man said to me "YOU MUST BE BENJAMIN BUTTON! YOU KEEP LOOKING YOUNGER AND YOUNGER! It is as if time has stopped in a bottle for me.

5. I had a dream that I was in a mall like setting with one of my friends of whom I do not discuss spiritual stuff and she became awakened and left her husband that she just recently married. As I walked through the mall every person that I came into contact with, just by my presence alone became awakened. My dreams are very fluid and very real with a lot of literal, metaphysical, or astral visits and have truthful meanings. I do not take it lightly at all.

6. A golden Peacock pendant came straight from China via regular mail and arrived to my house on 02/19/2015 Chinese New Year in my name with my address except the number was incorrect. I do not know of anyone living in China to send that to me and I did not order anything at all. This was a gift sent straight from the Universe. 9 days later I got another Peacock jewelry which was a bracelet this time and it came from Hong King. Amazing again! The list goes on and on of more exciting and strange occurrences for me. Its like my entire existence and focus has been recording continuously as either messages from Divine Source and/or numerous syncrocities. This is my passion, my calling ,my purpose!!

7. My last two children are the reincarnation of the King Tutankhamen and Anaksunamun! This is revealed in this book. I have had past life details and references come thru me which includes speaking Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Aramaic, Ancient Chinese, an Indian dialect, Italian, Ancient Portuguese and various ancient African dialects. My daughter started writing Chinese, she is an artist, a freestyle rapper, a dancer, and she has her own You Tube Channel and she is on the Principals List throughout her entire junior high school year. All of the gifts and talents are returned to myself, my children and family.

8. On October 22, 2005, I dreamt that my King and I were in Germany and I was wondering why I was there. It was like we were in a huge bank. I even noticed and said how come Germany looks like NY. There were poor & middle income people. I was surprised that there were Hispanics and blacks. Meaning: a return momentarily to a life past, lived into the present. Luck and prosperity

9. On September 8, 2007, Dreamt that I was on the Oprah Show, but before I was talking to her in her apartment. It was so real. September 17, 2007, Dreamt that I was at Noble Ave with my business office there and an older Jewish man came to see me and he told me that the 2 cases I was working on was going to make headlines in the 2 daily newspapers I saw the headlines and it was front page news. A sensationalized story.

10. I dreamt on February 18, 2017 that I had a Thanksgiving party with over 500,000 people and I did all the cooking. It was mostly colored people but there was a mixture of all races and cultures. Everyone and myself was really dressed up. Some people started to eat before praying and I stopped them and said we must pray first over the food. So all of the hundreds of people held hands so that I may pray over all of US. I proceeded to make sure that everyone was fed even though I didnt eat anything. I was being shown by the Holy Spirit that everyone was being fed the Spiritual food through ME just like the story of Yeshua feeding the 5000 people with only 2 loaves of bread and 5 fishes and this prayer was very powerful...

The greatest stories I can ever tell to help with all of US bringing forth all truths and nothing but the truths of our true reality and rising higher and higher in Consciousness! All truths are now and shall continue to be made self-evident and Freedom which has been nowhere is NOW HERE! Yay! With love, peace and Infinite blessings Unto each and every one of you!

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